I passed by this place many times not realizing that it was the Great Market that I had on my list. It’s quite modest looking from the outside, but once you walk inside, it’s a hustling and bustling market place that accepts cash only from individual vendors. It’s full of people buying fresh produce, wine, sausages, small nicknacks, etc.

A broader view of the beautiful stairs

One of the entry ways to the Buda Castle compound

The House of Parliament, behind me

Some of the homes at the Buda Castle
Dress-Revolve (here)
House of Harlow Tanta Crosshatch Pendant Necklace (here)
Wanderlust + Co Delta Necklace (here)
This place is amazing!!! This is the Fisherman’s Bastion, located on the Castle Hill in Budapest. It’s part of a large compound that consists of homes, shops, churches, and the Buda Castle. Greg and I arrived here early this morning and the view couldn’t be any better. Good morning!
Fisherman’s Bastion- Budapest was last modified: May 17th, 2022 by Ciji

Grated butter, Large fries, Lamb + fig, Pimientos de Padrón (fried Padrón peppers, Maldon salt)

Morros de vaca en salsa almadeira (slow cooked beef cheek in madeira sauce)

Large fries

Anchoas (anchovy)

Gambas pil-pil (shrimp marinated in garlic chili olive oil)
Tonight, we visited Padrón, located right in the center of Budapest. It’s small, family run, and delicious! This was such a long, but lovely day-we walked all day long with very few periods of rest. We got home, rested a bit and left hoping this place wasn’t closed since they were soon closing for their summer holiday. We ordered an assortment of things, and nothing disappointed us. This is a must visit if you ever get the opportunity to come to Budapest.
Padrón- Budapest was last modified: May 17th, 2022 by Ciji

The colorful streets of Szentendre

Overlooking the village of Szentendre

Aerial view of a small shop
What a delight! Greg and I ventured out of the center of Budapest and made our way to Szentendre, his favorite town in Hungary! Szentendre is this lovely village that’s just a 40-minute train ride/ 15-minute car ride from Budapest. This little town is adorned with cobblestone roads and blissfully colored architecture. Later we took the train to Fellini Római Kultúrbisztró to have something to drink, and just relax since we had been out all day. Later we went out to eat at Padron. I’ll dedicate a post just for that!
Szentendre, Budapest was last modified: May 18th, 2022 by Ciji

My view of the House of Parliament

Belvárosi Piac Market
Today, I roamed the city alone on a mission! I wanted to get a nice unobscured view of the House of Parliament, Budapest, and that’s exactly what I found.
The House of Parliament- Budapest was last modified: May 18th, 2022 by Ciji