Bunkers del Carmel

City Walk

Font Màgica (The Magic Fountain of Montjuïc)

Warm ocean swim

Sagrada Família

Fiesta del Born y Sant Pere en Barcelona

Stairs of Montjuïc

03:00 (3AM) Metro

Me and everyone else trying to get home after a party of a party 03:00 (3AM)


Fresh water while watching a football match

Park Güell

Casa Milà, also known as La Pedrera, was the last private residence designed by Gaudí

Construction started on Sagrada Família on March 19, 1882. Completion of the cathedral will be in 2026. The architect, Antoni Gaudí, died after being hit by a tram in 1926

Brisk walk after watching the football match
I had wanted to visit Barcelona, for years. I wanted to experience the air, food, and most of all, the culture. So, I set my goal and started to look for flights that worked for me. Finally, I was able to find a responsibly priced ticket, so I booked it! No hesitation, no reconsiderations, I just booked it. Right after I booked, I thought to myself, “What have I done?!” Ha!
Once I got over the initial shock of booking a flight to a country I didn’t know much about, I started telling some of my friends of my Barcelona summer plans. Everyone had the same reaction, “That’s one of my favorite cities!” And now that my trip has concluded, I can now say the same…Barcelona is one of my favorite cities. Barcelona had parties and celebrations for nearly everything. Whilst I was there, I partook in a “Full Moon” party, “Fiesta Del Born” celebration, European football game watching parties, then there were parties to recover from the previous party, and parties to celebrate the happiness you felt from the pervious party! I enjoyed eating lunch between 14:00-15:00 (2-4PM) and dinner at around 21:30-22:00 (9:30-10PM). I walked and took the metro to all the places I needed to get to. The air was clear, the food was fresh, and the breeze was warm. I met some incredible people that I will never forget. This trip was by far one of the best I have had thus far. See you when I see you, Barcelona!